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Study at the STDIIS campus (high school considered Islamic by Imam Syafi'i)
STDII University
- Category: Campus
- Information: STDII University
- Project date: 04 June, 2024
- Link STDII: STDII University
Imam Syafi'i Jember Dirasat Islamiyah College (STDI) is a Private Islamic Religious College (PTKIS) which provides higher education for the Islamic generation in accordance with true religious teachings and based on the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah according to the understanding of friends.
To become a leading university in producing professional and progressive Ahlussunnah Muslim intellectuals.
Organizing superior education and teaching in the field of Islamic Studies with emphasis on critical, scientific and moderate thinking methods in accordance with the understanding of Ahlussunnah wa Al Jamaah.
Carrying out research and studies on Islamic scholarship that is currently developing in society on a regional, national and international scale.
Carrying out community service based on the results of education, teaching and research on Islamic values.
Organizing higher education practices based on Arabic as the main element in the education and research process, as well as popularizing the Arabic language through the practices of Islamic service and preaching.
Providing and improving the quality and quantity of human resources that can support the educational process optimally.
Providing and improving the quality and quantity of infrastructure that can support the educational process optimally.
Providing representative reading materials and various other infrastructure that can support the research and study process on Islamic sciences.
Currently STDI Imam Syafi'i is opening two undergraduate study programs, namely:
Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhsyiyyah), with an academic degree of Bachelor of Laws (S.H).
Hadith Science, with an academic degree of Bachelor of Religion (S.Ag).
The two Study Programs have been accredited B by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. Apart from the Strata-1 program, STDI Imam Syafi'i also opens a Language Preparation Program (I'dad Lughowi). With teaching staff coming from graduates of the Islamic University of Madinah, LIPIA Jakarta, STDI Imam Syafi'i and others, this program is divided into two levels, namely:
I'dad Lughawi Beginner Program, namely the Arabic Language Learning Program for those who have never studied Arabic.
Advanced I'dad Lughawi Program, namely the Arabic Language Learning Program for Beginner I'dad Lughawi graduates or Islamic boarding school graduates who want to deepen their Arabic language or as preparation for registering for an undergraduate program.